
Surprise or Accidental

UK citizens sometimes have a claim to US citizenship of which they may not be aware. This can be a happy surprise for some that are interested in travel, work and residence in the US. It can be a difficult problem for others who feel that their life’s nexus is outside the US, and reporting US taxes and citizenship to banks under new banking regulations is an expensive hassle. 

US Citizenship Legal Advice in London

Surprise citizenship/accidental US citizenship for residents of the UK occurs most often when:

  1. the UK resident was born in the U.S. and lived outside the U.S. all of their lives and feels no affinity with it (accidental citizen); or
  2. the UK resident was born in the U.K., but one or both of their parents were U.S. citizens and lived in the U.S. for five years, two after the age of 14 (holds a claim for US citizenship).  If you were born abroad to a U.S. citizen, checking into your US citizenship eligibility earlier in your life is easier. Evidence of your parents’ physical presence in the U.S. becomes harder to obtain with time, due to poor memories and the tragic passing away of witnesses.

Renunciation of US Citizenship

Some US citizens living in the UK find that the centre of their lives is now abroad. They are overwhelmed by tax filing burdens and the need to have a social security number to hold a UK bank account, if they were born in the United States. For them, renouncing their U.S. citizenship simplifies their lives. Renunciation is a fairly straightforward procedure, but a consultation with a U.S. immigration lawyer is advised to discuss what it is like to visit the U.S. as a “foreigner”/expatriate. View more on Renunciation of US Citizenship in the United Kingdom.

Contact Melissa Chavin – US Visa Lawyer

To discuss your specific circumstances and requirements, contact London based US lawyer Melissa Chavin to schedule a paid consultation. Consultations may be conducted by phone, in person in London, or by video conference and cost GB£425. Ms. Chavin is licensed to practice US law, and can help you resolve your concerns.


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