
Written by Melissa Chavin

The US Attorney General Jeffrey Sessions, a proponent of lower undocumented immigrant numbers through deportation and other means, has taken up yet another case from the immigration courts, which sit under the Department of Justice.  Attorney General Sessions heads the DOJ.

Written by Sofia van Mierlo, Work Experience Intern

Per the 26 June 2018 US Supreme Court decision in Trump v. Hawaii, U.S. President Trump’s Presidential Proclamation 9645 from 24 September 2017 banning travel to the United States from several countries will stand.  

Updated 9 July 2023.  Permanent residents with a condition on their status, also known as conditional residents, can get 48 month extensions on their status when they file to get the condition removed, as of January 2023.  The USCIS announced this change on January 23, 2023.

Request Renewal Six Months before your Green Card Expiration Date

If you are a US legal permanent resident living in London, either with a re-entry permit or frequent return visits to the United States, you may need to renew your card.  Take a look at the front of your permanent resident card to find the expiration date.  Six months before it expires, you can submit Form I-90 to the US immigration service in the United States to request a new card with another ten years on it.